Take Me Round Again

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Thrill Jockey
thrill 916 - 2009

Take Me Round Again: The Friedbergers cover the Friedbergers.

The Fiery Furnaces have been reworking, rearranging, and rewriting their songs live since they first started touring in 2003. They have taken this practice one step further on their new record, Take Me Round Again. Recorded separately this past July in Michigan and New York, Matt and Eleanor each recorded 6 songs that originally appeared on I’m Going Away. All that remains the same are the words.

Eleanor: “I’ve gotten into the habit of rewriting songs Matt has written, just as a way of practicing and singing at home. Originally, I had wanted to record a folk-style record called Eleanor Friedberger sings the songs of the Fiery Furnaces. I thought it would make a nice greatest hits record, but reworking I’m Going Away before it even came out seemed a lot more exciting.”

Matthew: “After asking people to send us their re-write of I’m Going Away before having heard it, I thought we owed it to them to make an actual alternate version of the record. And not just leave all the new arranging for live shows.”


  • 1 I'm Going Away - Matthew Friedberger
  • 2 I'm Going Away - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 3 Keep Me in the Dark - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 4 Cut the Cake - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 5 Even in the Rain - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 6 Drive to Dallas - Matthew Friedberger
  • 7 Keep Me in the Dark - Matthew Friedberger
  • 8 Ray Bouvier - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 9 Cups + Punches - Eleanor Friedberger
  • 10 Take Me Round Again - Matthew Friedberger
  • 11 Cut the Cake - Matthew Friedberger
  • 12 Staring at the Steeple - Matthew Friedberger

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